The remarkable tale of Rex Afrasiabi, from his roots in a war torn country to becoming a prominent lawyer in Melbourne, unfolds as a testament to resilience and adaptability. Born during the tumultuous Iran / Iraq war, Rex embarked on a transformative journey when he migrated to Australia at the tender age of seven, armed with no knowledge of English. Despite facing adversities like parental separation and navigating adolescence independently, Rex pursued higher education, earning dual degrees in Accounting and Law.
His career began in commercial law and litigation, where he worked with prestigious firms. However, a twist of fate led him to the role of general manager at an international fashion company. Despite the allure of the fashion world, Rex’s inner calling drew him back to the legal profession—a path fueled by his unwavering desire to help others.
Launching his own law firm, M A Legal, Rex swiftly carved a niche for himself within the legal fraternity, becoming the prominent lawyer for Real Estate Agents across Australia. Rex’s impact transcends his firm; he shares his expertise through lectures and keynotes to Real Estate Agents, co-hosts a business advisory show for Real Estate Agents and even is a judge for the national industry awards.
His extensive background as a commercial and litigation lawyer specializing in Real Estate Agents equips him with a wealth of knowledge about the industry. He has encountered a wide range of scenarios and provided assistance to countless clients. Currently, he represents numerous large agencies across Australia, addressing their diverse business needs and fostering growth.
As fans eagerly await the next season of his business advisory show, Rex Afrasiabi’s narrative continues to inspire. His journey underscores the power of unwavering commitment, adaptability, and service to others. Rex stands as a shining example of versatility, ambition, and a steadfast dedication to his life’s mission.
Follow on Instagram: rex_afrasiabi_lawyer