One of the many benefits of being an entrepreneur is the leadership aspect and the ability to make all the key decisions for the future of your business. However, there often comes a time, especially early on, when entrepreneurs may find themselves in need of help. Whether they’re feeling overwhelmed, burned out or simply don’t have the experience or knowledge necessary to make a well-informed decision, many entrepreneurs find that hiring a business coach can be a beneficial solution.
Here, seven members of Young Entrepreneur Council each share the “last straw” moment that made them realize they needed help from a coach and why hiring one helped set them on a better course for success. Consider their stories whenever you’re unsure whether or not to seek assistance with your business.
Young Entrepreneur Council members each share what made them decide to hire a business coach.
Photos courtesy of the individual members.
1. I Realized I Wasn’t Making Progress With My Goals
If you’ve ever hired a business coach, then you might have felt that the last straw that made you hire one was when your business started to stagnate. You might have understood that it was time for a change and that you needed someone who could help you make those changes. The last straw that made me feel that I needed a business coach was when I realized I wasn’t making progress with my goals the way I had planned. I was stuck in an endless loop where nothing positive was coming out of it. I analyzed that I had no one to turn to and ask for advice. Typically, a business coach can help you with your professional and personal life. They can help you develop the skills, strategies and tools that will help you achieve success even when you are facing down times. – Vikas Agrawal, Infobrandz
2. I Was Overwhelmed By My Day-To-Day Tasks
For many, the decision to hire a coach is not an easy one. After all, most entrepreneurs pride themselves on their self-sufficiency and ability to problem-solve. There comes a point in every business owner’s journey, however, when they realize that they can’t do it all alone. For me, that moment came when I found myself feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day tasks of running my business. I was working longer hours than ever. That’s when I knew it was time to seek help. I’m glad I decided to hire a business coach. With their help, I finally got a handle on all of the moving parts of my business. My coach helped me prioritize my goals and create a plan of action to achieve them. They also held me accountable for my progress (or lack thereof). As a result, I quickly got my business back on track. – Michael Garrido, E-Valve Technologies
3. I Needed Accountability
I know that I can give myself a to-do list and a deadline, but understanding that someone will be calling me in six days to make sure I got that last task completed is enough of a reason for me to press just a little bit harder and get everything finished by the time that phone call comes. It’s easier having to answer to deadlines that I set for myself with my coach holding me accountable to the same timeline. – Mary Harcourt, CosmoGlo
4. I Understood That I Didn’t Know What I Didn’t Know
There is a reason why one of the nation’s top marketing experts, Harlan Schillinger, trademarked the phrase, “What you don’t know, you don’t know.” It is a strong statement and something every entrepreneur should understand. No matter how much experience you have, you will never know everything. It is key to your growth as well as the growth of your business to hire a coach or mentor to help you navigate the unknowns and gain the perspective you do not have. Ten years ago, I hired my first coach. Now, I have three business coaches who come from different backgrounds: one who helps us focus on sales and marketing, one who focuses on leading and building teams and one personal coach who comes with over two decades of experience building businesses through growing people. Every manager in our business has a coach as well. – Magnus Simonarson, Consultwebs
5. I Discovered I Dislike ‘Reinventing The Wheel’
I believe that mentorship and networking are critical for any business owner. Why do something all on your own when there are experienced professionals out there who can help you achieve your goals? I think the key is to find someone who has been successful in the same industry as you and who can provide you with valuable insights. A business coach can help you take your business to the next level and achieve your goals. What compelled me to hire a business coach is the realization that I dislike “reinventing the wheel.” I would rather learn from the experience of others and avoid making the same mistakes. Also, I am very results-oriented and I want to achieve specific goals within a certain time frame. I need someone to help me stay focused and accountable so that I can reach my goals. – Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner
6. I Needed To Focus On Areas Outside My Comfort Zone
I was always a good programmer and product developer; however, when I launched my own business for a membership plugin, I found that I could not restrict myself to coding and product feature development. I had to get uncomfortable and start focusing on marketing and general business strategy. I was getting overwhelmed, and my business was struggling because of it. I decided to hire a business coach to help me focus on the areas that I was weak in and to be accountable to someone other than myself. The results have been amazing, and my business has grown exponentially since then. – Blair Williams, MemberPress
7. I Needed Help Scaling My Growing Business
The last straw that made me realize I could benefit from a business coach’s help was when my company had outgrown its current structure and needed to scale. I knew I needed help to take my business to the next level, and a coach was the perfect solution. They helped me create a plan for growth and expansion, and we continue to work together to make sure my business is on track. I would say that entrepreneurs should always have a business coach right from the start. They can learn from the coach’s experiences and change coaches as required or as the company grows. It is important to find the right coach who can help you take your business to the next level. – Abhijeet Kaldate, Astra WordPress Theme